Saturday, 29 December 2012


Why oh why do Celebrations no longer contain the Galaxy Truffle? Arguably one of the best out of the lot and it's just cut from the box... Eternal Sadness... It's not like you can pick up a Bar of Galaxy Truffle either. It doesn't exist..

Also why do the maltesers tastes so much better than normal maltasers.... I'd buy an entire box of the celebrations one's over the standard ones anyday!.

Sort it out Mars....

Friday, 28 December 2012


Why do they take a perfectly good rock song, with a catchy chorus and mice melody then go "you know what would complete this song? Some guy talking over the top of it about something completely breaking the song, then we can launch back into the final chorus and outro...."

Whatever happened to just adding in ahhhhhhhh (secretly we ran out words but have a harmony) I'd even settle for a "yeah yeah yeah"
But not we will just get some random dude to rap all over


Monday, 24 December 2012


Nothing buggers up a sausage buttie more than incorrect bread slicing!
I've had sausages dropping out the bottom of my bun like bombs from a world war 2 bomber...

Bangers away!

Saturday, 22 December 2012

Christmas Cards!

Why do we really bother with Christmas cards!?
Between paying mad prices for things we just throw out after the big day (think of the trees!).

Writing them out is just impossible, remembering names of people you barely know and always trying to guess an acquaintances spouses name...

I've just started and already I've lost one to just bad writing, one injured due to having a licked envelope with no card in it (open letter surgery just saved it with minor scar tissue), another down due to smudge (whatever substance cards are made from it's like a whiteboard, built to easily rub off. but in reality it never rubs off it just smudges allover).

My next challenge is a card from a neighbour (No 24) I have to decipher the handwriting and just hope that my bad writing covers up the fact I just couldn't make out your name in the first place.

Honestly I just go into some kind of writing trance. I once remember sending a card saying "merry christmas from christmas" I'd wrote so many I just replaced my own name with christmas spirit...

I also lack the creativity to write anything meaningful in any card. beyond Merry christmas and a happy new year or any conceivable variant of that phrase. Still I'd love to open a card with MERRY JESUS BIRTHDAY have a nice skyblue cat with jam!

Best keep writing attention is fading.... and I've got card glitter allover my table!


2012 worst apocalypse ever, about the only thing dead is a leaf off my plant!

Thursday, 20 December 2012

2013 calendars

Honestly it's the end of the world. Why even bother making a calendar never mind one so niche as goats in trees....
I hope the world does end!

Wednesday, 19 December 2012


Blogger for iOS

Blogger for iPad that actually functions... Oh yeah! Blog is back!

Literally spent forever balling socks from the massive mountain of laundry mountain... I think I've three hours of solid ironing ahead before I reach the summit...
Sure this guys climbing Everest don't have it this hard!